My story and my "why" started in my high school and undergraduate years. I grew up a competitive tennis player amongst other things, but playing and competing in tennis gave me a strong sense of identity. Every opportunity to get better was taken, whether it was the week or weekend, day or night. I had coaches, mentors, and trainers helping me each step of the way, but nothing prepared me for the day that I injured my back weightlifting. I only blamed myself, because I never took the time to learn about form, technique, and proper mobility/warm ups to prevent injury. I was left with an overwhelming sense of failure and a loss of identity.
I'm lucky I found physical therapy and I'm blessed to be living a pain-free, sports-filled life. What I learned in the process was I didn't have to give up what I loved, and I didn't have to deal with the pain. I want to share this experience with everyone who needs it. I don't want anyone to feel like they "can't" or they "never will again". I call BS to anyone that's ever heard "if that hurts, you should probably stop doing it for the rest of your life" when seeking guidance from a medical professional. I wouldn't want to hear that, and I know you don't either. Everyone deserves to achieve their physical goals, and I can't wait to be a part of that journey for anyone who will allow me to guide them through the process.